Expert TExES Preparation Help

Study guides, practice tests and exam info to help you pass your Texas Examinations of Educator Standards

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  • 92% Pass Rate With Smart Prep Materials

    Smart study materials result in higher pass rates because they allow each student to focus specifically on what they need to be successful.

    TExES Study Guides
  • Easy-to-use Learning Materials

    We present learning material in short, engaging video lessons which explain concepts quickly and effectively. No fluff and straight to the point.

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  • Confidence In Being Well Prepared

    Assess your strengths and weakneses, follow your recommended plan, gaining confidence as you practice, and then take the test and pass.

    Practice Tests

Texas Examinations of Educator Standards

The study guides are amazing! I was able to take a pretest to see what exactly I needed to study. Then I could not only read information, but watch videos to help me learn. It was exactly what I needed to pass

Amber S. — TExES Science 4-8

TExES Study Guides

I Passed My TExES Exams!

  • I used the service for a certification exam and it was awesome!!

    L. Waddle — Studied for TExES

  • The content was very helpful and helped me to pass the EC-6 Generalist content exam.

    S. Watlington — Studied for TExES EC-6

  • I have met my goals! THANK YOU! Really helped me to make that happen!

    A. Jones — Studied for TExES

  • I have taken my test and done well. Thank you.

    E. Simpson — Studied TExES ESL Supplement